Dearest Jude,
This post is late, I know. It has been a tough couple of weeks in this house. Your dad and I were having a hard time, being the best versions of ourselves and being the best couple we can be. Everything happens for a reason, and maybe a reason for that to have happened is for me to be typing the following message for you:
Without a good and solid foundation, nothing stays standing. This applies to yourself as a person and a human being, to school work, to career and work, and to relationships. And you would need a good foundation for you as a human being and a person to build up good fou dations for everything else in your life. A good foundation for you as a person means keeping in mind that we are in control of our actions and how we behave. God knows our past, present and future, and he is in control of everything, but at the end of the day, He gave us the power to think, speak, move and act as free human beings. For your own benefit, you need to be a good Muslim, and try to emulate the character of the Prophets as much as possible. God is always with you. Keeping His love around you and your love for Him in you at all times will inshallah help you through the toughest times and bring you joy in the best of circumstances inshallah.
Alhamdellah things are better. Every couple goes through ups and downs. This up and down journey also happens in self-care, happiness, sadness, career, faith, anything and everything. So as long as you have your goal in mind, you will make it through the worst parts inshallah.
We went on a road trip with Tete, Grammie (her birthday was today), myself, baba and you of course. We went to Peggy's Cove, where you finished your nap. We then went on the old highway to Mahone Bay and took a walk. You seemed to have fun alhamdellah.
I love you my darling. No matter what happens and what mistakes I make, I hope you will never forget that.