We're a group of creative women who live throughout North America. We connect and blog with words of encouragement and inspiration.
Monday, January 25, 2016
With the help of #influenster, we received some Pull-up diapers/pants. Hopefully soon inshallah, you will be using those!
We have a little green frog potty that you like sitting on. You are slowly catching on to the fact that it is to use when relieving yourself. I think you will be ready soon for big boy underwear, and we can say "Bye Bye" to diapers! #byebyediapers
Saturday, January 23, 2016
One Year, Eight Months...
حبيبي جود،
اليوم عمرك عشرين شهر، أو سنة و ثمانية أشهر ما شاء الله. فكرت أن أكتب لك باللغة العربية من الآن لكي أستطيع أن أتذكر الكتابة باللغة العربية الفصحى و لكي أعلمك اللغة العربية بنفسي انشاء الله.
اليوم (السبت) جاءت جدتك نانسي إلى البيت و ستنام عندنا ليوم الاثنين.
هي تحبك حب لا يوجد مثله. انت حبيب قلبها مثل ما انت حبيب قلب تيتي و جدو. نانسي و عمتك يجب أن يبيعوا بيتهم. و جدتك تحاول أن تقرر في أي منطقة ممكن أن تسكن. هي و عمتك عاشوا مع بعضهم من حوالي خمسة عشر سنة تقريبا. نحن نحاول أن نقنعها بالسكن في هاليفاكس لتكون قريبة منك و منا.
خبر آخر من هذا الشهر هز اللاجئون السوريون. أخذتك انت و ميسي مرة(الاسبوع الماضي) إلى المكتبة و تقابلنا مع مجموعة من اللاجئين السوريين و هم لهم ثلاثة أيام فقط. كان معهم شخص متطوع مع ISANS ليساعدهم باستكشاف هاليفاكس. الله يعينهم و يساعدهم. كانت سنيني الأولى في كندا صعبة جدا و الاكتئاب لازمني من هذاك الوقت. أتمنى أن لا تحس بهذا الإحساس ابدا. إذا تستطيع أن تضع نفسك في مكان شخص آخر لتفهم ردة فعلهم أو شعورهم تجاه موقف معين، ضع نفسك. هذه هي طريقة من الطرق التي ستذكرك بأهمية الرحمة و التسامح و التوكل على الله بكل شيء.
حبيبي جود، انا آسفة جدا على قسوتي معك. انا لا أحب هذه الطريقة بالتعامل معك. أن أحبك من كل قلبي فأرجو أن تسامحني. أحبك حبيب قلبي و روحي.
ماما .
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Tete and Jiddo's visit
Dearest Jude,
You and I try to speak to tete and jiddo on the app Line, every day, and try to video chat with them so that you can see them and they can see you. My mama and baba came for a visit on Dec. 24th and just left today. You fell asleep on the way to the airport, so they gave you a kiss before they went into the airport. They were devastated to not be with you in the flesh any more. They even called from the airport with the change they had left to speak to you on the phone. They love you so much. You are the light of their eyes.
We were supposed to meet your baba so that you can go on the truck with him, in your carseat, on our way to the airport, but we had to stop at Costco and it was insanely busy so we missed out on the opportunity to ride in a caravan towards the airport with your tete and jiddo's car and baba's 5-ton truck.
I am very sad to see them leave, as they are my parents and I miss them terribly even though their flight hasn't taken off yet. I love them so much, they took care of me and khalo, continue to take care of us amd are taking care of you as well. They are the hardest working and most honest people u have ever met. Their wisdom is like gold, and is rare and precious.
I think you miss them too because once we came into the house you were walking around looking for them. You even looked in the guest living room where they normally pray to see if they are praying in there. I hope they come back very soon. Even more I hope they come back to stay soon.
I love you my darling boy. We have each other and that will get us both through it for a while. I love you.