August 23rd, 2014
Dearest One,
Today, you are three months old. You are great at holding yourself up and looking around when someone is holding you. You remind me of a meerkat. You turn your head around trying to take in everything that might be happening all around you. You are so curious, you even try to keep yourself awake just to make sure that you don't miss out on anything.
I might be biased, but I truly believe that you are ahead of your age. You are "talking" up a storm, you are "ag-oo"ing like crazy, and you are not fitting in the 0-3 months clothes we have for you anymore. You are just an incredible human being, my miracle, my friend, my gift and blessing from God.
Your Tete was in town for two months. She went and visited your great-tete and great-jiddo in New Jersey. They are staying with khalti Lina until things calm down in Syria. I hope that things calm down in my homeland and that I will be able to take you there for a visit very soon. I am sure you will love Syria. Your mama didn't grow up there, but has felt at home the minute she stepped off the plane, everytime.
Your tete's flight from Halifax International Airport to Kuwait, where your khalo and I grew up, was yesterday at 4:00pm. She cried for three days prior to Friday the 22nd, because she could not imagine not seeing you everyday. The whole time she was here, your mama had to make sure that you were at tete's everyday to cuddle with her and spend as much time with her as possible. If your baba and I didn't do that, we heard about how cruel it was to keep you away from her for so long (the longest she didn't see you was two days and that was torture for her).
I really miss your tete and your jiddo. I am pretty sure you don't realize she is gone, because right after we dropped her off at the airport, we and your khalo went and picked up your sister Rachel from New Minas. You can't take your eyes off her, you smile from ear to ear when she is around and I am so thankful for that. I hope, despite the age difference, that you and your sisters are close, as you are so loved by them.
Please remember that your baba and I love you more than you will realize. And you can tell from what I wrote above that your tete simply adores you. Your jiddo loves you very much and has been very happy to see you and hear from you through Skype. Your khalo keeps going on and on about how cute you are, using the word "karbooj" quite a bit. Your Grammie is crazy about you, and wants to always hold you and sing to you. You can watch a video recording of her singing to you and how happy you were. Your auntie Lynne can not get enough of you. You brighten her day whenever we visit her at work. Your cousins Kaliegh and Brianna love you and are waiting patiently for you to be able to play more. Your sisters Alana and Rachel are so happy that you came along three months ago and are so excited to see you when they get the opportunity. Please remember how loved you are by so many. You bring joy into people's lives. You bring hope, laughter, memories, betterment. If you are ever sad or lonely, just remember the happiness you brought to so many lives. Most importantly, please remember that God loves you more than any one of us can fathom.
I will leave you with a lyric from a lovely song:
"Don't worry, be happy!"
Happy "Birthday" my sweet sweet angel. Mama loves you so.